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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Michelle Obama’s Stylist

Michelle Obama is a staple of best-dressed lists, known for rocking everything from haute designers toH&M, but even the First Lady needs a helping hand shopping sometimes. ABC News reports that hairdresser Vera Chamberlin revealed to the Washington Post that her client Meredith Koop, a 29-year-old Vanderbilt University grad, has taken over the role of stylist to the First Lady from Chicago retailer Ikram Goldman. Koop, a former protegé of Goldman, was sent to the White House to help out with Obama’s fashion needs before taking over the role full time. A White House spokesperson identifies Koop as a “personal aide to the First Lady and a member of the White House Residence staff” with duties beyond the First Lady’s wardrobe. But as far as clothes are concerned, the White House said in an email to ABC News that Koop’s “responsibilities include advising the first lady on her wardrobe and acting on her behalf in arranging for purchases, including considering the best offered price, and buying on discount if discounts are available.” Sounds like a good gig to us!

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